Chrysalis Case Study Submission Procedure Flow Chart

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Chrysalis Case Study Submission Procedure Flow Chart You must submit all case studies together – complete all of your case studies. Have you completed and signed a HS (Year One) /CS (Year Two) Membership application and Direct Debit/Standing Order? (downloadable forms are available on the student section of the Chrysalis website) NO START HERE Are you finished in time to submit all case studies to your current years tutor at Module 10? Have you completed the required number of case studies? (Year 1 = 3 – Year 2 = 2 – Year 3 = 1) YES YES Have you attached all relevant appendices? E.g. Client permissions, GP Letters etc YES You need to complete a HS/CS application form and apply for associate membership. You will need to have this membership in place to participate in the practical elements of your further years study. (see detail in first paragraph of Box A) YES NO NO NO…show more content…
You cannot gain a practitioners certificate without this membership as you need this membership in order to insure yourself against professional malpractice. Without professional membership and insurance in place – a practitioners certificate is unsuitable (as any practice would be unethical) and you should request instead a non-practitioners certificate in a letter and enclose this with your case studies. (N.B. If you are going on to further years study with Chrysalis, a non practitioners certificate in a previous year will prevent your from gaining a practitioners level certificate in future years, as any practice hours carried out will have been done

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