China And Japan’S Reaction To Imperialism

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China and Japan’s Reaction to Imperialism Throughout history, European powers have tried and succeeded in imperializing lesser developed countries, countries that did not fall under or follow the European standards. This was the case with China and Japan. Both China and Japan were self-sufficient countries that only trade with neighboring countries. They had the necessities they needed to live and did not want trifle gadgets. That was the problem. Imperial powers wanted to trade with China and Japan, but they were not interested at first. European powers were determined to gain access to these countries and they would do it at any means necessary. Before the 1800s, China and Japan were almost identical. They isolated themselves from other countries; but after their imperialisms in the late 1800s, the countries went on different paths. China remained traditional and denied modernization and suffered because of it, while Japan emulated the imperial powers and became an imperial power themselves. Before the early 1700s and the late 1800s, China was a leading nation. China was fairly strong during earlier periods of history. It had a strong and peaceful government during the Qing Empire and imperial powers such as Britain and the U.S. were interested in Chinese goods. By the late 1700s, however, China was experiencing internal strains with the population and with the government ( China had often looked down on foreigners and did not accept their cultures, but in 1793, the Chinese emperor agreed to meet with an English ambassador. The ambassador brought with him modern gadgets of that time such as clocks and instruments (Beck 371). The emperor was not interested and then the British realized they would have to find a product to trade with China so they could balance out the trading with China; that product was opium (Beck 371). Opium was used by Chinese
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