Childhood Obesity Persuasive Research Paper

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Be Supportive: When we least expect it, children are listening. Whether they seem mesmerized or distracted by the television, their iPods, or their cell phones our words, both positive and negative, stick. They will begin to model or try to become what they think you think of them. If your consistent message is "you are overweight and all you do is sit in front of the TV all day", then that is what they will eventually emulate. Positive reinforcement like, "You looked so fast running from the school bus to the front door today. I bet that's why you're doing so well in soccer," is a great way to stimulate the activity you would like to see more of. Obvious that you care about making a difference. The more you can learn about obesity for…show more content…
I was reading the news on the internet and came across an article that says "British retailer sells plus size clothes to 3 year olds." Of course, I wanted to read more and what I read was shocking. According to the article many retailers are now selling products that offer an extra two and a half inches around the waist and jeans that have a little bit more room. I can understand if it was for teenagers because I know childhood obesity is a major problem not only in the U.S. but around the world. But, for a 3 year old? that makes me pretty…show more content…
Well we know for sure that portions that we eat are much greater than before. Nowadays you can get a super-size meal at a fast food joint with double or even triple meat and cheese. A couple of those a week and no gym classes in schools and 2 hours of video game time every day after you do your homework will cause some weight issues. So the question is who is to blame? Is it the parents? Schools? Who? In my opinion I believe it is the conglomeration of things, fast food restaurants purposes target kids to come and get their meals which makes the parents reluctant to buy it for them. Instead of kids going out and riding bikes and playing stick ball like we use to, they opt to stay inside and play video games or stay on the computer and listen to music and chat on social sites. Kids go to school and do not exercises do to schools cutting out gym and fitness. I know there is a better way. Remember, most children with poor exercise and eating habits have learned those habits from their

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