Child Poverty In Canada

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““Poverty is like punishment for a crime you didn’t commit.” – Eli Khamarov (Free the Children, 2005) In the world today there are a variety of different social problems, these social problems can affect some more than others. A social problem can be defined as a situation affecting a significant number of people, which are believed to be sources of difficulty or threaten the strength of the community. The social problem I decided to examine is Child Poverty in Canada. Child poverty will be dealing with mainly and directly children although, on occasion if the child is suffering from poverty than the parent is too. Child Poverty usually only goes to children who are under the age of eighteen, therefore I have chose to do my research on children under the age of eighteen. Past the age of eighteen is when you are considered an adult, therefore you would become under the adult poverty. I strictly chose this topic, because I have yet not had a chance to become aware with Child Poverty at least not like I would like too. I would like too find out more about the living conditions of children suffering from poverty, how child poverty came about and what is being done today to try and take an end to Child Poverty. Child poverty has in fact been around for years, although I would like to focus more on child poverty today. How children are suffering from poverty in this day and age and what is being done to try and prevent child poverty to continue in the future. I would be more interested in looking at Child poverty right downtown Toronto Ontario. I feel as though this could be more beneficial to myself, because once I find out reasons for child poverty today in such a enormous city like Toronto I could than take the time too see what I could do to stop something like this. I live very close to Toronto it becomes more realistic that I myself could get out there and try to
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