Child Development Essay

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Child Development Principles and Theories. 1. Why do we study child development? Throughout your career, you will need to update your information of the latest research and trends. By studying child development, you will form a profile of what children can do at various ages. 2. Explain the following statement: “Development is predictable and consistent for all children.” Can you think of any exceptions in which this may not be an accurate statement? All children can be predicted to have certain/different behaviors and such at a certain stage of their life’s. All children do not develop at the same rate. 3. Define the term physical develop ment. What is the difference between gross motor and fine motor development? Give an example of each. Physical development: refers do physical body changes. Example: change in a bone thickness , vision, hearing, size and weight. Gross-motor development: involves improvement of skills using the large muscle in the legs and arms. Example: climbing, running, bike riding. Fine-motor development: involves the small muscle of the hands and fingers. Example: grasping , holding , crawling and drawing. 4. What can parents and caregivers do to promote the development of remembering and problem-solving skills in young children? Give examples (3) of each type of activity. Caregivers can also support emotional understanding by labeling children’s feelings. Storybooks are effective inn helping to promote this type of development. Caregivers can introduce experiences requiring matching and sorting by size, shape, and color introducing words to describe color, size, shape and texture and math words such as bigger, smaller,

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