Chemical Legislation

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PROJECT ONE... Once I read the scenario, I decided to research the chemicals that the ABC Chemical distributor used on a daily basis. SOLVENT; A solvent is a substance that dissolves a solute, resulting in a solution. Common uses for solvents are in dry cleaning, paint thinners, as nail polish removers and glue solvents etc. Most solvents are flammable or highly flammable, depending on their volatility. Mixtures of solvent vapours and air can explode. Solvent vapours are heavier then air,they will sink to the bottom and can travel large distances nearly undiluted. Solvent vapours can also be found in supposedly empty drums and cans, posing a flash fire hazard; hence empty containers of volatile solvents should be stored open and upside down.…show more content…
To reinforce duty of care principles and extend self -regulation by industry, Worksafe Australia has developed the National Model Regulations and Code of Practice for work places that handle/use chemicals. These Regulations provide a frame work for Standardised State and Territory Legislation for Occupational Health and Safety to be adopted. This Legislation aims to reduce risk in two broad ways, by, defining assessments, controls and procedures; and identifying information systems to communicate the risks to the other persons enabling correct response to reduce risk. The assumption of responsibility is a major implication of the National Model Regulations. It addresses hazardous substances in the work place and identifies the manufacturer or the importer of the substances as the primary source of information (including for distinguishing substances as hazardous substances). It recognises the material safety data sheet and the work place label as important health and safety information sources with the employer assuming responsibility in applying and communicating the (manufacturers or importers) information to employees in the work place. The legislation will therefore provide for more clearly defined rules for work practice, and information and responsibility where 'hazardous…show more content…
These drums are collected on a monthly basis and as many as two hundred and fifty drums can be stored there awaiting collection. This is a hazard because even thoe those drums seem to be empty they usually aren't, take solvent for instance its vapours are heabier then air, tney will sink to the bottom. Solvent vapours can be found in supposedly empty drums or cans. These pose as a flash fire hazard. So the drums/cans should be stored open and aupside down. With so many drums/cans being stored out back awaiting collection it poses as a massive hazard, behind that cyclone fence is a large open, overgrown paddock with dry grass. That right there is another hazard, with so many drums being stored up against that fence and so close to that paddock, all it takes is one little spark or an explosion which those drums create a high chqnce of it happening then the whole paddock and the chemical plant building can go up in flames, and the ABC chemical plant will be liable. HOW THE RELEVANT RISKS CAN BE ASSESSED AND IDENTIFIED? There has to be an assessment of any workplace with potential or uncertainty, for any person to be exposed to hazardous substances in the work place. An assessment requires the identification of the 1. Hazardous substance. 2. Respective hazards; and 3. Risks of those hazards to health. The assessment provides the basis to identify appropriate control measures, induction and training,

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