Charter Of Rights And Freedom Essay

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CHARTER OF FREEDOMS AND RIGHTS As mirror of current societal beliefs, laws reflect a country’s national identity. While Canada shares similar values with other nations, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms truly sets Canada apart from other civil rights legislations. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms advocates the diversity of Canadian society and guarantees freedoms that extend beyond boundaries definable by constitutionalized law. Consequently, compared to other countries, our judiciary plays a significant role in interpreting the law. The wide scope of the Charter, encompassing official language to aboriginal rights, reflects our commitment to social diversity. However, the notwithstanding clause demonstrates that Canada is not completely restricted by the written constitution. The foresight to address the uncertainties of law is a testament to the uniqueness of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In the era of globalization, the extensive movement of people contributes to the creation of an increasingly heterogeneous society. Nationality and citizenship are no longer synonymous with a specific ethnicity. Despite the…show more content…
Section 1 of the Charter guarantees “the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.” Unlike the European Convention on Human Rights or the American Bill of Rights, the limitation clauses of the Charter are very general in scope. Most sections of the Charter contain a degree of ambiguity, but this vagueness allows the Charter to provide equal representation to all, even if the constitution is violated. Ultimately, the greatness of the Charter lies in the fact that it is willing to recognize the uncertain equilibrium between individual and collective

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