Natural Law Approach To Abortion

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"Natural law approach is the best approach to abortion." Discuss (10) Natural law is based on the conviction the world was created in a sense of order with a purpose, and that we can find out the purpose through reason. When we find out our purpose we can than act accordingly. There are many benefits to natural law. For example because it is seen as absolutist, it provides a firm moral foundation of rules and clear guidance. Although this is the case for the primary precepts, the secondary precepts are flexible enough accommodate for different people and different situations. The primary precepts can be interpreted to fit in with the time and practices. The natural law is based on our innate ability to reason and it is believed we all have the same ideas of morality within us (out conscience). This means that natural law offers a universal moral code that is for the best of the whole society that can be accessed by everyone. On the other hand some people may say that because natural law is based on religious convictions, it is not open for everyone. A scholar, Grotius, argues against this and says natural law is open to the secular as they can base it on the power of nature rather than God. Another problem is that natural law is quiet general and is difficult to relate to complex situations. In the case of abortion, there are many different and complex reasons for abortion that can’t all be placed under one rule. Furthermore, natural law relies on the fact that everybody is capable of reasoning accurately. This is questionable within some people. For example, what about young children and criminals? Are they able to reason and act upon this accurately? Abortion would go against the primary precept of reproduction and if the foetus is considered a person, then the primary principle to preserve innocent life would also be broken. This means abortion will generally not
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