Charles Manson Influences

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What Are the Normative Social Influences of Charles Manson? by Sally Taylor, Demand Media Decades after the vicious Hollywood Tate and LaBianca murders by Charles Manson's terror cult, known as "The Family," Manson remains an enigmatic subject of scientific study. He clearly understood normative social influences, the influences that make people conform in order to be liked and accepted even when it is dangerous to do so. His skilled use of these principles put him near the top of the list of history's more destructive cult leaders. Charisma The anti-establishment counterculture of the 1960s provided a strong base for Manson to achieve a charismatic influence on his followers. He had remarkable talents in dance and music that earned him attention within a counterculture obsessed with a musical style that symbolized the culture's identity. Through his music, he built associations with established bands, elevating his social prestige. In a culture whose ethos involved a deep-seated mistrust of authority, Manson's career as a convict actually promoted, rather than detracted from, his image as being trustworthy. These factors worked together to lend credence to the interpretations of society and music lyrics that formed the foundation of his vision of an impending apocalypse. Recruiting Members Manson's…show more content…
Moving his "family" to a remote commune setting, Manson was able to isolate his group from society. He demanded strict adherence to his will. Disobedience was reprimanded. Displays of individualism were sanctioned harshly. Only ideas of collectivism and love were allowed. New names were given to disciples when they entered the group, and these were changed periodically, to erase devotees' identities and individualism. Sexual rituals and drugs were encouraged to remove inhibitions and produce selfless, religious adherence to Manson's

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