Chapter 1 Investigatory Project Making Soap Out of Guava Leave Extract

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Guava- is a genus of about 100 species of tropical shrubs and small trees. Antioxidant- is a molecule capable of slowing or preventing the oxidation of other molecules. Pigments- is a material that changes teh color of light it reflects as a result of selective color absorptions. Carotenoids- a pigment essential for good vision angd precursor to Vit. A. Pol phenols- were one briefly known as vit. P which are a group of a chemical substances found in plants. Review of related Literature: Guava, is a genus of about 100 species of tropical shrubs and small treesin the myrtle family Myrtaceae. It is native in Mexico , as well Central America, Northern America and parts of the Carribeanbut not cultivated throughout the tropics. In Tagalog , name bayabas are probably local renditions of guayaba. Numerous references inmedical research identify guava as Psidium Guajava. Psidium guajava are cultivated in many tropical and subtropical countries for their edible fruit. Psidium Guajafa are often considered superfruits , being rich in vit. A and C and other properties. Its leaves contained antioxidant pigments,carotenoids and Polyphenols that are good components in turning our skin healthy. Since the 1950's , guva , prticularly its leaves , has been a subject for diverse research in chemical identity of its constituents, pharmacological properties and history in folk medicine . For example , from preliminary medicinal research in laboratory models , extract from guava leaves are implicated in therapeutic mechanisms against cancer , bacterial infections , inflammation and pain and skin disorder. Essential oils from gauva leaves have shown strong anti-cancer in vitro. In folk medicine , guava leaves are used as a remedy for diarrhea, and for their supposed antimicrobial properties. Its easy to get the components of guava leaves when it is apply

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