Herbal medicine is a large part of alternative medicine and there seem to be no side effects to these supplements and herbs. Herbal teas are used quite often to support the body’s immune system. Integrative medicine is a combination of both conventional and alternative medicine. “Allopathic medicine with mind-body-spirit modalities with the ultimate goal of helping patients or individuals adapt to traditional medical treatments. The modalities directly affects the body’s physiological healing process while gently awakening the mind-body-spirit connection needed to enhance the healing process”(Beaumont Health Systems,
What's the Latest Development? Harvard medical researcher Ted Kaptchuk is finding that how placebos are administered plays a very important role in their ability to cause physiological changes in the body. A trained acupuncturist, Kaptchuck has tested the treatment's ability to work as a placebo by offering his patients qualitatively different treatments. In other words, patients who receive more care and "schmaltz" from their medical professional tend to receive the greatest benefit from sham treatments. Kaptchuk wonders to what extend, if at all, Western medicine can take advantage of the placebo effect to improve treatment.
8. Cucumber The cucumber is not only a useful piece in the kitchen but also for skin care regime. The flesh of the cucumber is composed mostly of water, it contains ascorbic acid or vitamin C and caffeic acid, both of which soothe irritation of the skin and reduce swelling. Those acids prevent water retention, which is why cucumbers applied topically are often helpful for burns, swollen eyes, and dermatitis. Cucumbers have the same pH as the skin so they are a great treat.
Opposing opinions often alter patients’ perception about health care and their ability to comprehend, govern, and handle the course of a sickness, diagnosis, and risk versus benefit of medical treatment. Cultural specific ideas are presented through patients and their families bring as well as values that directly correlate to their theories of health status, description of signs of illness, thoughts of how their personalized care will be conveyed, and beliefs about pharmaceutical and skilled interventions ("Euromed Info," n.d.). In addition, many patients are highly influenced due to cultural values taught and encouraged throughout their life span. In America, health maintenance is encouraged through healthy eating habits, exercise, routine exams, and decreasing risky behaviors. We provide health protection through immunizations, early diagnosis and treatment, and education.
Personalize medicine has changed the concepts of patient care. Personalize medicine has began to revolutionized the healthcare field; in treatment, managing healthcare issues and treating diseases. Each patient’s needs are different and their treatment is based on individual needs. According to www coriell.org, Personalized medicine Personalized medicine is determined by many factors: the genetics we inherit; our innate personal traits of race, age and gender; our individual behavior; our family and community networks; and at the macro level, our economic, cultural, and environmental conditions.1 When most people think of personalized medicine, they assume it is everyday prescriptions received from family doctors; however, personalized medicine deals with gathering ones genetic information and combining that information with clinical data to modify drugs and doses to meet the patients’ needs. There is a variety of benefits, drawbacks and limitations in the use of personalized medicine.
As a result, the patient was able to reduce prescribed medication and eventually saved money. The benefits of eating plant-based diet have shown that health conditions can be improved. According to the research and testimonies, Forks Over Knives encourages people to change from meat diet to plant-based diet since researches found that health conditions such as obesity and high blood pressure can be reversed hence a person will be able to improve health and save life. Moreover one source in the film, Dr. Esseltyn also discovered that consuming high amount of fruits and vegetables could deter cancer cell growth that will save lives. The film also points out that processed food could trigger cancer cells to reproduce and to prevent reproduction plant based diet was recommended.
|stress. Helps improve moods, reduce the heart rate, lower | | |The concept is to combine physical postures, breathing |blood pressure, increase lung capacity, helps with anxiety,| | |techniques and meditation to help relax the body, mind and |depression and anxiety. Also positively affects certain | | |spirit. |brain and blood chemical levels. | |Aromatherapy |The use of essential oils from plants for healing purposes |Can be used to treat infections, stress, swelling, and | | |either by inhalation, massage or taken by mouth.
Some of the alternative therapies that people will try are massage, meditation, tai chi and acupuncture. There are numerous theories about how acupuncture works. Some are that acupuncture stimulates the release of pain-relieving endorphins and stimulates circulation. Some of the conditions that are treated with acupuncture include arthritis, migraines and tension headaches, sciatica, weight loss and infertility (Alternative Medicine,
Oral medications are readily available as a 1st treatment along with meal planning, weight loss, and exercising (ADA, Herbs, supplements) (ADA, Oral Medications). Insulin in patients diagnosed with type II diabetes do not use it properly, and are therefore usually prescribed insulin if the treatments mentioned before do not balance their systems efficiently (American Diabetes Association, Insulin). Patients also have the option of taking alternative medicines. Preventing type II diabetes is fairly easy while being aware of how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a nutritious diet, and exercising often helps in prevention.
It has also been used for several types of dementias, including vascular dementia. (O'Mathuna, & Larimore, 2007). Ginkgo Boloba contains a variety of antioxidants that prevent oxidation reaction known to play a role in diseases of brain tissue. (O'Mathuna, & Larimore, 2007). Herbalists have been known to recommend ginkgo for depression, headache, tinnitus,