Changes Seen in Early Zoos to Modern Zoos

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Early and modern zoos have changed a lot over the years. The animal’s treatment has improved over time. The way the animals are fed has changed dramatically. Zookeepers now care for the mental health of the animals. I think that zoos have changed in all aspects over the years. The treatment of the animals has changed a lot over time. In the beginning their cages consisted of concrete and bars across the front, so they could be seen easily. Before zoos started to change, the animals were tormented by visitors. The visitors banged and rattled the animal’s cages. Now the animal’s enclosures mimic the wild habitat of an animal, and the visitors respect the animals. For example, primates are placed in enclosures that they can climb in. The way the animals are fed has changed dramatically over the years. In the earlier zoos animals were fed human food and the food was thrown into their cages. Knowledge of animal care was limited in the nineteenth century. As time went on, interest in the natural world grew popular through zoos. The best zoos provide healthy and interesting environments for the animals. Zookeepers now care for the animal’s mental health. For example: the zoos now spray smells, hide toys, and place food in the tiger’s enclosure. They do this to ensure the animal’s mental health. To me this is one good way to keep the animals and people safe. In the older zoos the keepers did none of this because knowledge about animals was limited. Zoos have changed a lot over the years. Te to animal treatment has changed from early to modern zoos. Also, the animal’s diet has changed a lot over the years. Zoos today care about the animal’s mental health, unlike early zoos. Today zoos are a fun place to go have fun, learn, and visit with

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