Censorship In Diane Ravitch's The Language Police

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The Language Police Throughout “The Language Police,” the angered author, Diane Ravitch, speaks her mind on the issue of censorship. Censorship shelters students from the real world and gives them a false sense of reality. Ravitch believes that students are being censored to such an extreme that their freedom is being limited. The goal of the language police is not just to stop us from using objectionable words but to stop us from having objectionable thoughts (Ravitch 158). The language police are restricting what students learn by removing anything that may appear controversial. Diane believes the language police are trying to win an unachievable battle, a battle in which the world is perfect. Diane Ravitch was appointed to the National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) in the early 1990’s and was assigned to review reading passages for the…show more content…
Do they not understand society? In today’s world, life has never been more corrupted. It is filled with violence, death, sex, divorce, lies, politics, religion and profanity. All of these influence our lives since we are all exposed to them and just by restricting certain texts and topics, it will never make a perfect world. Schools cannot beat the entertainment industry at its own game. What they have to offer students is the chance for intellectual freedom, the power to think for themselves…(Ravitch 163). In school, students are always taught to have an open-mind, how can they have an open-mind when they are being censored? Schools only offer boring, bland topics and cause students to lose interest. Students are so highly influenced by the media that if they aren’t hearing about violence, death, sex or lies, then they have the “don’t care” mentality. If schools were to allow these such topics and narrow their bias guidelines, it may actually increase participation as well as
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