[7] Henderson, Alisa. “Consequences of Electoral Reform: Lessons for Canada.” Canadian Public Policy Vol. 32 No. 1 (2006) : 52 [8] Ibid. 52 [9] Henderson, Alisa.
For example, we have the right to freedom of speech, under the constitutional law of Canada. If this law did not exist, our governments and other people around us could potentially use violence or other methods to silence our act of communication. Without laws to protect our general rights, there could be many people out there ready to abuse us for their own gain. In conclusion, without laws in Canada, or any other
If the government were to ban this because of its highly offensive and challenging nature, the people might slowly see their freedom of speech disappear as more and more ‘offensive’ actions were banned. The framers were not ignorant to the possibility of flag burning; they formatted the Constitution to protect the freedoms of the people- including the freedom to protest the government which is supposed to strive to protect those freedoms. Though the people may be offended by these actions, we must attempt to defend the ideals the flag represents instead of their physical form; for these ideals cannot be destroyed by fire, but they can be damaged by the restrictions of the freedoms the flag represents. The Amendment proposed to ban flag desecration would affect many Americans. Strict laws would prevent all flag burning- even the respectful disposal of flags by organizations like the Boy Scouts.
In particular, Section 2, freedom of expression, does not state specifically the degree to which it can be used. Meanwhile, it is mentioned in Section 15 (1) that every citizen has the right to equal protection from discrimination before and under the law; Zundel violates this section of the Charter since he was allowed to publish a book based on his personal prejudice and attack on an identifiable group. Similarly, Keegstra, an Alberta high school teacher, denied the existence of the Holocaust and promoted his ideas to the classroom; but unlike Zundel, he was denied his freedom of expression even though Zundel was just as discriminatory towards the Jews. This is an example of the inconsistencies with a liberal view of the Charter- Section 2 most notably- and so, with a more conservative view, certain limits would be placed on the individual's rights to eliminate ambiguity, confusion, and contradictions in the law as much as possible; this in turn will give people a clearer understanding as to how far they can use these rights to defend themselves so that there is no abuse of rights. Not only that, but similar cases will also be treated equally.
If this atrocity is allowed to exsit, though it is clearly forbiden by the first admentment of the United States Constuation. Then racist speach shouldent be able to hide under the umbrlia of freedom of speach. After all if the goverment will fine people like Howard Stern for making jokes about farting they should have no problem banning racist speach. So it appers that the goverment feals that innapropate and immture humor is more corrisive to the morter of socity than racist speach. One would think the oppisite would be true.
Although someone could do this to another person’s property, we should still have faith in humanity that we only want to enjoy a free movie or song. Our appreciation for the product doesn’t lessen just because we got it for free. Preventing illegal downloading and copyright would result in no media entertainment on sites like YouTube or Pandora. These sites are allowing media to be enjoyed in a free manner; if we abolished this ability the public would be distraught. It is also a long and complicated process to take someone to court for breaking a copyright law; many cases would and have been brushed off.
Judging a Book by its Cover “In Defense of Prejudice”, the author Jonathan Rauch, indicates that it is foolish to believe eradicating racism and other forms of prejudice is possible. The article describes the war on prejudice as the “most uncontroversial social movement in America”. Universities, work places, newsrooms and Capitol Hill have declared anti-discriminatory policies in an attempt to eradicate prejudices. The majority of society believes that the elimination of prejudices will make society fair and safer for the minorities. Jonathan Rauch declares himself as not racist in spite of the fact that he is a strong believer in not eradicating prejudices.
Banning Assault Rifles and High Capacity Magazines Would Be Pointless Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America said, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety,” (“Benjamin Franklin”) Today there are US politicians who are in support of gun control legislature in an endeavor to protect citizens from the injuries and death that could hypothetically come from so called assault rifles and high capacity magazines. However, gun control laws are ineffective in preventing from heinous and violent activity, and have never worked. In a negative affect can actually increase gun related crime. Criminals by nature do not respect laws, so it would
Canada’s Growing Independence from Britain This essay will discuss the major events that lead to Canada’s Growing Independence from Britain, ``independence is when someone has the freedom from dependence; exemption from reliance on, or control by, others; self-subsistence or maintenance; direction of one's own affairs without interference.`` (www.Brainy This is an important topic because with independence any country can make its own decisions and live by its own rules, without control from any other source. Independence is important to Canada because it allows the government to make decisions for the people with no interference from outsiders, control situations, give citizens of Canada the rights and freedoms of Canada, and
It is not easy to change things which are natural. Even if, homosexuality was a choice, it is against the constitution to discriminate people who have voluntarily chosen to enter into civil unions because that will be violating the constitution. The society is liberal and, everybody should be allowed the freedom of association and that of pursuing happiness as long as they do not interfere with the freedoms of other citizens. Recognizing civil unions by the federal government is a way of respecting the rights and freedoms of homosexuals. It is also a way of demonstrating the society’s willingness to tolerate other people who are different from them.