Censorship Against Abortion

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(Source of information: Wikipedia's article: Political Positions of Mitt Romney) Abortion: pro-life Capital punishment: against Censorship: against the Fairness Doctrine Child protection: "would propose a "One-Strike, You're Ours" law for child sex offenders convicted of using the Internet to prey on children." Education: supports No Child Left Behind Abstinence education: supports this in public schools Prayer in schools: He was against this in 1994, but in 2007 said ""We ought to allow ceremonies, graduation ceremonies and public events that we have the ability to recognize the Creator." Gas crisis: Wishes to become independent of foreign oil by using alternative fuels as well as domestic reserves of petroleum. Environment\Global warming: Pro-environment; regulation of greenhouse gas emissions through…show more content…
Free Trade: supports Minimum Wage: supports predictable, steady "changes" in the minimum wage. Taxation: has pledged to not produce any new taxes or increase any existing taxes; advocated for the elimination of the estate tax. Immigration: supports legal immigration and decreased illegal immigration. Opposes amnesty for illegal aliens, but supports a path to citizenship for them, without any special treatment over legal immigrants, as well as the requirement to pay taxes and register with the government. Iran: Believes the use of tactical nuclear weapons against Iran if the latter country threatens to use nuclear weapons is an option. Iraq War: Romney has stated: "so long as there is a reasonable prospect of success, our wisest course is to seek stability in Iraq, with additional troops endeavoring to secure the civilian population." Is willing to withdraw from Iraq if the surge proves unsuccessful, which Romney believes is too early to
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