“Ending the War Against Japan: Science, Morality and the Atomic Bomb”

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“Ending the War Against Japan: Science, Morality and the Atomic Bomb” Summary The author of this essay gives three different options to end World War II. Option one states that the United States should make peace with japan. The United States knows that japan is very close to surrendering but has not surrendered because they are afraid that we will put their emperor on trail as a war criminal. The Japanese feel that the emperor is a descendent from the gods and they will do everything to protect him. If the United States is clear that they do not want to make him a criminal but instead a national symbol then maybe the Japanese might agree and surrender. With this option the United States will have moral leadership and will be able to build a war of peace and democracy without stooping to the level of the enemy. If the United States does chose this option they are risking that the japes might take it as a sign of weakness and might encourage them to keep fighting. Another risk with this option is that if not all aggressive militarism is destroyed then we know that new dictators and wars will come up again. Option two is that the United States should drop an atomic bomb on a deserted island so that the whole world can see what power we have. If the Japanese see what the atomic bomb can do then maybe they will surrender so that we don’t drop an atomic bomb on them. If they don’t surrender then we will drop an atomic bomb on Japanese civilians and we will not feel guilty because we warned them and they still continued to fight. With this option we hope to scare japan into surrendering and change the post war world we will be entering. Some risks with this option is that the atomic bomb has only been tested once before and if the demonstration does not do what we hope it will do then japan will continue to fight and the United States will lose stature
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