Cbt and Family Therapy

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Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that assumes negative behaviors and emotions that are caused by faulty thoughts and thinking patterns (Ford-Martin, 1999). CBT helps clients develop new ways of thinking and behaving. (Galanter ,Keller, & Weinberg, 1997). CBT is used quite often to treat substance abuse issues. The approach focuses on maladaptive behaviors (addictive behaviors) by changing what it perceives to be the root cause of them (faulty thinking). The goal of the therapist is to encourage the clients to focus on their thoughts and actions. Advocates of this theory contend that only by modifying self-defeating thoughts and behavior patterns will the client truly be able to solve his or her own problems. Thus, the aim of the therapy is to eliminate troubling emotions or behaviors rather than to help patients gain insight into the underlying cause of their problems (Ford-Martin, 1999). Cognitive-behavioral family therapy (CBFT) is the extension model of CBT, however, it also focuses on the members of a family, considering them to be parts of a cohesive unit, and looking at such factors as interfamilial relationships, communication patterns, and other familial dynamics (Frey, 1999). CBFT offers the possibility of helping not just to the person with the problem, but also to his or her significant others who are also affected by the addictive behavior. One of the most important thing in CBFT is for the therapist to develop a rapport with the client and the family. Upon the initial appointment the therapist may have the client fill out assessment questionnaires such as the Family Beliefs Inventory (Vicent-Roehling & Robins, 1986). Assessment of cognitions can be done in the interview as the therapist questions family members about "chains of thought" (Dattilio & Padesky, 1990). David, a 15-year-old boy who
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