Causes of World War One

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World War 1 was a tragic event that started in 1914, and ended in 1918. All the central powers of Europe and their colonies participated and as a result, around 11 million lives were lost and many colonies collapsed. Though as a benefit, the war period led to an advancement in weapons and technology. As tension rose and crises multiplied there were 4 main reasons that resulted in the outbreak of World War 1. These were alliances, imperialism, militarism, and nationalism. This essay will explain the causes and how they helped ignite what is known as the “Great War” in great detail. Alliances are unions formed for mutual benefit and during World War 1 there were two alliance systems: The Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente. The Triple Alliance consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy, while the Triple Entente included Britain, France and Russia. There were also neutral countries like Spain, Switzerland and the Netherlands that refused to participate. Russia had a close relationship with France, also France and Britain had come to agreements about the colonies in North Africa. This explains why they allied together and furthermore, all 3 countries had concerns about Germany, which further united them. On the other hand, this alliance made Germany worry about encirclement, the friendship between Russia in the East and France in the West and believed it was an attempt to surround them. Russia had an ever-growing rivalry with Austria-Hungary and as Serbia became a powerful force, they were supported by Russia. These reasons resulted to an Alliance between Austria, Hungary, Germany and Italy whose aim was to set up over seas colonies and thus decided to join the Triple Alliance. This was one of the reasons that caused the war to escalate. Imperialism is a policy extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
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