Causes of New Imperialism in the Industrial Revolution

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All of history has been determined through a serious of economic, social, and political causes. After the Industrial Revolution the nations of Europe had advanced their industries and economy vastly. They turned to the rest of the world looking for raw materials and a new market to trade with. Thus, the colonization of Africa and other less-developed nations began, and is referred to as new imperialism. The Europeans asserted their dominance over these less-developed areas for economic reasons, but also to spread European customs and heighten the sense of pride they had in their nation. Therefore there were a number of economic, political, and social reasons that caused the start of new imperialism in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. New imperialism in Africa and the Middle East was mainly driven by economic forces. After the Industrial Revolution nations were taking raw materials and producing them into finished goods at a much faster rate. Since they were making finished goods more quickly, the demand for raw materials in factories rose, which led to the colonization of less-developed areas (Document 1). For example, Cecil Rhodes of Britain heard the stories that King Solomon's mines were north of the Limpopo River, and that the area had even more potential than the Witwatersrand goldfields. The natural resource of gold lured Cecil Rhodes into forming the British South Africa Company and colonizing the area, later known as Rhodesia. The powerful nations of the world were also interested in gaining colonies because it provided them with markets to trade their finished products with (Document 2). The mother country could take the colony's natural resources for a cheap price, convert them into finished products, and then sell these goods back to the colony's citizens. This was a very profitable process and and was done by a variety of

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