Cause and Effect of Earthquake

453 Words2 Pages
Cause and Effect of an Earthquakes Why do earthquakes happen? Earthquakes happen because there are vibrations produced in the earth's outer layer. In this writing the writer is going to explain the cause and the effect of the earthquakes. Also, informing the audience of the consequences after an earthquake is necessary. An earthquake is a destructive enemy of humanity and should be the most powerful because it can destroy an entire city. Tree general classes of earthquakes are now recognized as tectonic, volcanic and explosion. The tectonic variety is by far the most destructive. The type of earthquake depends on the region where it occurs and the geological make-up of that region. The cause of tectonic quakes is a stress by movements of the dozen of major and minor plates that make up the earth's crust. The effect of tectonic quakes can range from barely noticeable to very destructive. The volcanic earthquake type occurs in conjunction with volcanic activity. Volcanoes explode because of the gas buildup. One of the causes is when the gas in the volcano builds up, the gas and lava blows out the top. The lava can get up to 1600 degrees a lot hotter than an oven, after the lava cools, it turns into rock. Some of the effects are, the lava can kill people, if is raining the ash creates a thick mud that has trapped people and animals. Explosion earthquakes are the result of the detonation of nuclear and chemical devices. Another effect of earthquakes is the generation, usually by subsea tremors, of so-called tidal waves. Because such waves are not related to the tides, they are more properly called seismic sea waves or their Japanese name tsunamis. These big waves of water have struck coastlines with such violent strength that entire towns have been destroyed. They can cause
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