Catatonic Schizophrenic

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is a complex disorder characterized by hallucinations (mostly being hearing voices), delusions (beliefs with no basis in reality), and disturbances in speech. Psychiatrists classify the symptoms into negative and positive categories for schizophrenia. The positive symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, thought disorders, and an altered sense of self. The negative symptoms are a lack of motivation or apathy, blunted feelings, depression or social withdraw. There are three main types of Schizophrenias. The first type is Paranoid Schizophrenic; people with this suffer preoccupation with persecutory and/or grandiose delusions. The second type is Disorganized Schizophrenic; they suffer from speech and behavior problems and they have a flat of inappropriate affect. The third type is Catatonic Schizophrenic; in this case the person gets motor immobility or excessive motor activity that is purposeless, peculiar movements, echolalia, orechopraxia. In America there are about 2.2 million people with this illness. That might seem like a lot, but most of the cases get overlooked. They sometimes get called “Nervous Breakdowns” or just “Bad nerves”. There have been studies done to see if different groups of people have…show more content…
Approximately 2.2 million Americans have the illness in any given year. That’s eight people out of every 1000. There are about 900,000 individuals with the illness who are not being treated. There are more people with the illness in jails then there are in hospitals and mental health clinics. In the year 2000 the United States spend about 40 billion dollars directly and indirectly on Schizophrenia. About 10 billion of the 40 billion was spend on federal disability payments for individuals with Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is not now curable, but through the use of medication and psychotherapy, the positive symptoms of schizophrenia can usually be

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