Case 4 Kudler Fine Foods

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Kudler Fine Foods Problem Statement University of Phoenix MGT/251 Dr. Patrick E. Murray Kudler Fine Foods has the unique opportunity to dominate the organic fine foods market in California. While business is currently good at Kudler there are many weaknesses the company needs to address in order to remain profitable on a grand scale. Currently the weaknesses Kudler is experiencing are problems with perishable goods, high payroll; management has too many responsibilities, sales at Del Mar location, and geographic expansion limitations. There is no way to completely resolve the issues with perishable foods. Being a fine foods store that specializes in foods that do not use any type of preservatives there will always be a problem with waste. To help curb this problem I propose implementing a system that allows Kathy to forecast sales by using data from previous years. This new system will not completely solve the problems with throwing away food but, it will help Kathy forecast what she needs and will help to ensure that she does not order more than necessary. The second issue which is the high-payroll problem is a little more difficult to deal with. A possible way to help compensate for these high salary positions is to allow other employees to train with the current butcher, baker, and wine…show more content…
Kudler Fine Foods could dominate the market in Fine Foods in California and ultimately reach its goals of expanding into other states. The constant in all of these scenarios is if Kathy fails to share some of her management responsibilities the company will suffer. Seemingly it is understandable that she wants to handle all of these responsibilities herself but, one of the best traits a good manager has is knowing when to delegate certain responsibilities to others. Kudler should open all of the businesses planned in California before expanding out of

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