Career Opportunity Essay

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Career Opportunity It is very strange how the career opportunity term is used in daily practice; since the term can be used sometimes to describe either a big career break or the last option of a person at a particular company before they are brought to an end. Career Opportunity is defined as a chance for a person to use his or her skills well to end up with more money at the end of the day (Arpan, 1995). Another good definition of career opportunity might also be a favorable chance or an advantageous circumstance or a combination of different circumstances. The definition is considered as an extremely general definition, and thus it can mean a different thing to different persons. What might actually be a career opportunity to someone might be seen by another as a big setback (Greenhaus, 2006). According to Wayne Dyer (2008), a motivational speaker and author, “There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love; there is only scarcity of resolve to make it happen" and so it is. Every person has made some poor decisions in their past. But, no matter how smart or career savvy people might be, they sometimes end up falling prey to the shortcomings they created by themselves. If a person has ever struggled to look for a job, or has missed out on certain career opportunities to advance in his/her career, then this Wayne Dyer quote might not really "ring true." However, since career opportunities can be extremely difficult to spot, a person can find them if he or she uses a deliberate and thoughtful approach (Fabricant et al., 2014). The students who are preparing for a given career (i.e. business) in their life need to make use of their career opportunity well to achieve their dreams. They first need to change roles and then get ahead in their career so as to fit with the career opportunity. It is very important that a student or a person
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