Carbohydrates Annotated Bibliography

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Thesis Statement and Annotated Bibliography Thesis statement: The current USDA recommendations regarding the consumption of unlimited amounts of unrefined carbohydrates are flawed. Current research shows that all carbohydrates, both simple and complex, lead to an increase in weight, diabetes, and heart disease. In order to combat the obesity epidemic, people must return to the foods our ancestor ate during the last hundred-thousand years of evolution. These foods consisted of meats, fats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains (in small amounts), and natural sugar such as honey. Annotated Bibliography Adult Obesity Facts. (2014, March 28). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved May 26, 2014, from…show more content…
New York: St. Martin's Press. Dr. Joel Fuhrman explains in his book how fasting can have a dramatic impact on a person’s health and wellbeing. He explains how the body has everything at its disposal to correct any problems it may encounter, but without the proper rest, it may fail to do so. By fasting, the entire body has a chance to heal itself without spending the added energy on digestion and assimilation of food. Dr. Fuhrman is a board certified medical doctor specializing in nutrition for obese and chronically ill patients. He is a staff member for the non-profit Hunterdon Medical Center in New Jersey. Fuhrman specializes in supervised fasts and claims to have reversed serious medical problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and various autoimmune diseases. After patients complete fasts, Dr. Fuhrman encourages a vegan diet comprised of only fruits, vegetables, and organic whole foods. All forms of meat and dairy are to be…show more content…
(n.d.). The Time and Place for Eating. Retrieved May 26, 2014, from The above source is a website found during the investigation of fasting among various religious groups. Although the Christian tradition of fasting is well known in the western world, fasting in the Asian world is not so well known. It was discovered that many Buddhist monks performed a type of intermittent fasting where they would eat nothing after lunchtime. The Buddha himself says that if he ate no food after his afternoon meal he would not get sick as often and would have an abundance of energy throughout the day. The source of the information is the Buddhist scripture entitled, Majjhima Nikaya, which Buddhist consider sacred and is therefore a reliable source. This is relevant to the report since this paper attempts to show that fasting has been a natural part of human culture for centuries. Weinstock, P. H. Lipoprotein lipase controls fatty acid entry into adipose tissue, but fat mass is preserved by endogenous synthesis in mice deficient in adipose tissue lipoprotein
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