Capstone Analysis: Probation

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Capstone Analysis: Probation CJS 230 Sunday, November 09, 2014 Edward Harris Capstone Analysis: Probation For an individual to have an opinion upon probation, they need to make sure they have a proper understanding of what probation is. Probation is a sentence whereby a convict is released from confinement but still under court supervision (Probation, (n.d.)). So with a better understanding of what probation is I hold the opinion that it is a good concept and does work for the most part. If the individual truly understand the concept it can work for him/her, because it allows them to reintegrate back into society under the supervision of the courts or correctional community program staff. As long the program concentrate on making sure the offender continue to work upon their rehabilitation and work upon become activate member of society it will work, even when the community may not appreciate having re-form convicts living in proximity of their families. In order for probation and community correction programs to continue they must make sure they evolve with the times. The programs should focus to make sure that the convicts are getting the most up-to-date rehabilitation that will help them focus on behavior issues and improvement, abilities such as skills, education, and so forth to further aid them with the reintegration back into society as a activate and productive member. I feel education and corruptive job programs which will take on hiring convicts. If we focus on these we can keep the convicts from relapse into their old ways, and truly be successful in community programs and rehabilitation. Restriction are important when you at probation and the community program. Restriction is need to reinforce the idea that their current freedom is a privilege, and at any given time when they make the decision to do the wrong thing it can be taken away. So

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