Capitalist Mode of Production Leads to Increased Mechanization and Development of Technology.

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Modern science and technology are the off-shoots of capitalism and since the latter, by its very nature, is an aggressive system, there is bound to be equal aggressiveness under capitalism in the forms of the development science and technology. Technology affects one’s individual freedom; either increasing it or restricting it to such an extent that you can shop for clothes from your cell phone and at the same time be helpless in case of a power shutdown. A capitalist society is based on inequalities of power and it entails that advancement in technology will reflect that inequality as it doesn’t develop in a social vacuum. To further their profits and strengthen competition capitalist employed methods of division of labour. But division of labour itself created alienation- estrangement from your own work; increased division of labour meant alienation from the product of your work i.e. that workers didn’t get to see the outcome of their work this lead to alienation from self where work is no longer seen as a source of joy or satisfaction but the source of ones’ satisfaction will be the wages one gets. This was critiqued by Marx because according to him work is not different from the individual, he says individuals are connected with what they do; When an individual alters a raw material, he or she is actually trying to make sense of themselves. With the coming of Industrial Revolution and development in science the capitalists’ made use of technology and mechanization for profit maximization. Technology never evolves or spreads unless there are people who benefit from it and have sufficient means to disseminate it, which in a capitalist society are the rich and powerful. The motive in a capitalist mode of production is derivation of profit; and increased mechanization and technology consciously or unconsciously serve this motive. In a capitalist society technology

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