The More Factor Analysis

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More is not Better The frontier belief introduced in Laurence Shames’s article “The More Factor” reflects a popular economic attitude that many Americans possess in today’s society. In general, the frontier belief is defined as the concepts of economic growth and having more. Many Americans believe in endless investment and expanse in market because they firmly hope huge opportunities and returns would be given. This statement used to be true when when people acquire economic benefits and achieve better lives during the Wild West era. However, today’s society works quite differently after a few decades evolvement. In fact, the market slows reaches saturation after several decades of expanse in the United States. Thus, it is risky to continue…show more content…
This belief is somewhat consistent with the famous idea of the American dream, which is to achieve instant wealth or fame. Because America is the strongest nation in the world from, many people believe that this wealthy and powerful nation would help them withdraw their beautiful dreams. Therefore, the American dream attracts millions of talented people to come and make contributions to this nation. However, there are also some unexpected features included in the American dream, and people have to experience and face both good and bad aspects of the American dream. The essential concept of the American dream is to offer citizens a nation that provides liberty, peace, and happiness. In fact, the initial concept of the American dream promised no guarantee about physical materials, such as money, houses, or luxury goods. In the modern society, people are striving for more and more material wealth, and they somewhat ignore the moral and social reasonability associated within their social duty. “In America, a sense of quality has lagged far behind a sense of scale” (Shames, 92). As a result, many people have to face many unwanted outcomes while attempting to move forward on the path of never-ending material demands. This nation was founded on a great set of moral standards and truths instead of false principles, so the frontier belief dose not work…show more content…
The frontier belief wrongfully delivers this idea that it is ok to waste opportunities because there are far more than enough opportunities on the abundance of lands. The frontier belief never mentioned that the resources on our planet are limited, therefore, opportunities are also scarce. Instead of promoting the concept of having more, I believe thrift could be a valuable practice to promote. In essence, the frontier belief defines a sense of consumerism. As John Verdant introduces two families with similar economic conditions but completely different values, it is not difficult to find out that the family believes having more actually harms themselves (Verdant, 152-155). I believe people who are less obsessed with consumerism would have a better living standards if they were living in a society with scarce materials. However, those people who are obsessed with consumerism would be willing to conduct some unethical things in order to gain self-interested benefits. On the other hand, nowadays thrift is a way of showing a person is well-educated and money-conscious. In fact thrift is highly valued in many Asian countries’ value systems. For example, It is very common to save money in Asian culture because people want to pass down wealth to their descendants. It is wise to realize that no country can keep on booming

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