Can Autistic People Be Integrated Into the Society?

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“Can autistic people be integrated into the society?” TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction Brief information People’s impression on Autism Trend of Autism - (GLOBAL) Why are autistic people discriminated? Scenarios Scenario # 1: “What if autistic people are really accepted?” Scenario # 2: “What if the autistic people are given more attention from the government?” 5 Scenario # 3: “What if the trend of autism suddenly increases rapidly in the next ten years?” Course of action Global Local Personal Self Awareness Conclusion 2 Can autistic people be integrated into the society? Introduction In society some people are different from us - ones that need more special care and attention. I have come in contact with these people through the special activities that the school had organized, and we normally would look at them differently. I think that we should learn more about them, understand the problems they face and learn what can be done to integrate them into the society, as they too have the right to lead a normal life. Brief Information Autism is a kind of Autism Spectrum Disorders, which includes a wide variety of behaviors and characteristics. 1 A person who is diagnosed with ASD can be a really smart person and a “slower” person. For example, people with Asperger’s Syndrom(variant of ASD) will have a higher intelligence compared to normal people, but not all autistics are that lucky. They will have problem in communicating with the others, for example, not able to look into people’s eyes while talking to them, and strange habits that are not explainable when they are young. Therefore, they are treated differently and make them hard to integrate into the society because of their difference. People’s impression on Autism In Hong Kong, there are schools that provide care and education for the autistic people such as APS(Autism Partnership School).
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