Bus 475 Strategic Plan Part 2

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Strategic Plan: Part II Anonymous BUS/475 February 23, 2000 n.a. Strategic Plan: Phase II Several trends and forces, both external and internal factors can lead businesses on different pathways. Trends and forces are necessities that must be analyzed by organization and fostered as a tool to increase revenue. Organizations that respond and react to changes and modify their strategic plan when necessary will remain superior in the industry and competition. In order for a business to thrive in today’s shifting business environment, the administration of that particular organization must have the capability to respond to changes in the trends and forces in the business setting. Procter & Gamble (P&G) is a relatively large,…show more content…
P & G focuses on strategies that are precise for the long-term well-being of the business and will convey total investor return and hold the spot in the top one-third of their industry group. . P & G also intends to deliver earnings per share growth of high single digits to low double digits and to create free cash flow productivity of greater than 90%. The company’s long-term economic targets are to grow organic sales up to 2% faster than the industry market growth in geographies and categories in which the organization competes. To achieve these strategic targets, P & G plans to achieve by improving and touching the lives of more consumers, in more parts of the globe. The company will also influence its core strengths in leadership to generate competitive advantages that are vital to winning in the consumer products industry. The driving forces of: brand-building, innovation, customer knowledge, and go-to-market capabilities will permit P & G to accomplish their targets. The company is motivating productivity in all aspects of the business through an arrangement of digitization, integration, and simplification. The company is also strengthening the quality, extent, and depth of leadership on all levels of the organization to make a more real-time, demand-driven and future-focused business (Procter & Gamble, 2011). P & G has good strategies and strong leadership…show more content…
P & G spread out into other countries and became an international corporation in the early 1930s, in both areas of product sales and manufacturing. The company caters to the needs of consumers in more than 180 countries around the world (Procter & Gamble, 2011). Today P & G functions in almost 80 countries worldwide and employs over 130,000 employees. P & G’s global business unit focuses on consumer’s first, brands backed by guarantee, and competitors across the world. This unit is accountable for the shareholder returns from their businesses, innovation pipeline, and profitability. The global market development is responsible for vendors and knowledge of consumers in each global market and incorporating innovations stemming from the global business unit into particular strategic plans that work in each nation. The last division of the companies’ global unit is global business services. This unit employs talent and expert associates to offer the best-in-class business support services at the lowest feasible costs to balance the scale for a winning advantage for P & G (Procter & Gamble, 2011). The United States market is filled with many businesses that offer related products. Globalizing brings a lead to organizations because it gives the companies opportunities to cultivate and add to success of the

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