Bus 210: Developing Good Business Sense Assignment

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Lowe’s has individual departments within the store and a structured management staff to ensure that the business is operationally sound. The core goal for the company is also the same; to service the customer and out-perform the competition. The main kinds of Operations and Materials Management costs that companies have are: raw materials and components, plant, labor, inventory and distribution. This affects their OMM by dictating what the company's overall ability to service its customers and perform will be. If a customer does not have enough or proper computer tools and equipment it will affect the OMM by preventing it from producing enough finished products. McDonalds is another company that has an organized operating system that is designed to give them a competitive advantage. Even though they do not use advanced technology, their whole in-store system is ran by computers. Like every other company, organization is the key that keeps this company alive. For instance, if a customer’s order gets messed up or out of place then that messes up the other orders as well. In order for things to run smoothly, the employees have to be able to deal with massive amounts of people on a regular basis. A company's labor costs affect its OMM operations by being the largest expense that it will have. A company must leverage its payroll expense by meetings the profit goals they set. A company's inventory is a vital part towards its success. A company must have enough products in the inventory, to provide their customers with product in order to be successful. This affects a company's OMM operations because without the proper amount and type of inventory they will be unable to service their customers. The same goes for having too much inventory, when a company has too much inventory on hand it ties up its capital that could be spent on other things that would increase

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