Brown vs Topeka

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What was the significance of ‘Brown v Topeka’, 1954? Brown v Topeka was an event carried out during the time of racism and segregation across America; the court case was brought up as some black Americans believed being segregated was unconstitutional. The court case started because a father (Oliver Brown) was annoyed that his daughter was denied an education at an all-white school, which was simply a couple of blocks down from her house. This court case in my opinion acted like a catalyst for further change for black Americans. In my essay, I will be evaluating the significance of the Supreme Court judgment about Brown v Topeka. How I’ll be doing this is looking at the short-term and long-term effects of the Supreme Court’s decision. There are two main ways which Black Americans were denied their civil rights. One being segregation, and the other was not being allowed to vote. All US citizens had the right to vote, according to the federal law. But some racist states tried their hardest to stop black Americans from voting. They did this by making black people sit a hard literacy test, which was highly unlikely they will pass. This was simply because their education was of a poor quality due to their school being given very little in comparison to the white schools. They also just threatened them not to vote, which was successful because it frightened them away. Being unable to vote resulted in them not able to try and persuade or influence of getting rid of segregation. Segregation is the idea based on black and white people could have separate access to services but had to be in different schools, as long as the services were equal. This brings me on to the point of segregated schools; the schools weren’t equal. ‘Separate but equal’ was used by segregationists as a way of justifying the separate education that races received and in reality it meant that the
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