Brown Vs Board Of Education

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Brown versus Board Of Education In 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court decided the case of Brown vs. The Board of Education. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Linda Brown who was denied admission to her local Elementary school because she was black. Linda Brown, an African American third grader, who lived in Topeka Kansas, had to walk one mile, through a railroad switch yard to get to her black school. Her father tried to get her into a white school, which was only seven blocks away, but the principle of the school refused to allow her to enroll. Brown went to the head of Topeka’s NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) and asked for his help. The NAACP was all eager to help the Browns in their case against the school because they wanted to take on segregation in schools for quite some time. The case was described as, “the right plaintiff at the right time.” By 1951, with other black parents joining the cause, the NAACP pushed for an injunction to end segregation in Topeka’s public schools. When the U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas heard their case, the NAACP argued that segregated schools gave the message to black children that they weren’t equal, and naturally inadequate. The board the segregated schools prepared them for their life under future segregation, and that segregation was not necessarily harmful to blacks, saying that they can succeed under those circumstances. After agreeing with Brown the segregated schools were damaging to blacks, but taking into account that no Supreme Court ruling had overturned the Plessy versus Ferguson case, they decided to rule in favor of the Board. Brown overrode the decision of the District of Kansas and went to the Supreme Court. They combined their cases with many others in various states. The Supreme Court first heard the case in 1952, but didn’t reach a

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