Brown V the Board of Education Essay

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Title: In 1992, a law professor concluded that Brown was ‘a relatively unimportant motivating factor for the civil rights movement’, and argued that its real significance was its generation of a vicious white backlash. In this essay I am going to be approaching the following: ‘’A significant achievement or a failure? Which of the two best describes the Brown decision?’’ with regards to the Civil right movement. In this essay I will be using both the original brown case and also the brown 2 case. The Brown case took place in 1954, it was Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka. Oliver Brown took the state of Kansas to court for not providing adequate education to his daughter – Linda Brown. Linda Brown was forced to attend an all-black school which was twenty blocks away from her home, her father argued that Linda would be much better served attending the local white school which was closer to the Brown’s family home. The Brown case was very significant as it was the first time the NACCP won a case that was at the root of segregation. The Supreme Court argued that the segregation of education had a negative effect on those who were black as it made them feel less worthy and could influence low self-esteem among those who were black. The Supreme Court realised other important things such as the fact that America was changing as were the attitudes of some Americans as there was a growth in black middle class, they also realised that for over 60 years the Southern States had failed to provide education that was actually equal, they became aware that the education that they were providing for blacks did not meet the ideals that they were fighting for in the Cold War and lastly the verdict of the supreme court was reached because of a change of leadership in the Supreme Court, the new leader Earl Warren was much more sympathetic towards civil rights than the

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