Brief Summary: Constitution 1788

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March 14th 2013 Constitution 1788 was ratified by the thirteen colonies, but this was only done after a great compromise that made an agreence between the larger and smaller states that gave equal power to each state in the Senate. In the lower house of Reperentivies, the number of seats was made by the population of each states. This Great comprises also dealt with the issue of slavery. Southern states wanted the black slaves to be counted as population but not be counted for taxes. The outcome was that slaves were 3/5 of a person. A compromise was also made between free and slave states were northern Free states were pushing to stop the slave trade. The overall action by congress was that the slave trade would not be touched for 20…show more content…
This meant that slavery was permitted in areas that the climate permitted slave based farming. Slaves were linked directly to tobacco even though in 1787 was on the decline. An English textile industry had a need for cotton. Eli Whitney in 1793, invented the cotton gin which meant a larger need for slavery and ended up in slaves to advance. By 1819 new states were all being added as slave states. Missouri in 1821 which was not part of the original N.W and S.W ordinance was a new slave state. Planters thanks to Eli Whitney, were now able to grow different types of cotton that was better suited for the internal lands of the U.S. Northern states were worried about the increasing slave states because it meant that there was a growing southern power in the house of Reperesentves. In 1821 Missouri was admitted into the union in 1820 because of the Missouri compromise. This meant for the admission of Main as a free state. In this new compromise it was stated that slavery was not to be permitted in the newly acquired French area north of the 36’ 30’ parallel. This meant for equal representation in the Senate, but a growing an unbalanced view in the House of Representatives because of…show more content…
George Washington believed it to be ungentlemanly to have party conflicts. In the post Washington era there were 2 parties, the federalists and the democratic republicans. By 1828 the parties were dying out and other parties were replacing it. At this time there was the democrat’s vs the national republicans which transformed into the republicans and the Whigs which again transformed into the republicans and the democrats (southern white male). As Mexico was granted independence in 1821, America took over former Mexican land such as the former republic of Texas 1836-1845. In the Mexican American war of 1846-1848 all areas north of the Mexican boarder was now American land. In 1849 100,000 people went to California because of a Gold rush. Northern and Southern states had differing opinions on the west. In 1861 four proposals dominated the debate what to do with slavery in the new
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