Boomerang Kids Research Paper

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Essay 1 Boomerang Kids The trend of adult children moving back in with their parents in order to survive financially. Have you noticed more adult children are moving back home with their parents? I have. I have 4 adult children that have moved back home for periods of time over the last 2 years. It seems that they are not able to make it financially on their own. I know that it is not only my children that are having a hard time, several families are experiencing the same issues with their children. Reason 1: The kids don’t make enough money to afford rent and basic necessities Evidence 1: Today’s economy: In today’s economy it is getting increasingly harder to survive financially. Wages…show more content…
These people are no longer drawing unemployment funds and they are losing their homes. With the lack of jobs and no money coming from unemployment, people are turning to their parents or families for food and shelter. Evidence 3: Educational Challenges Colleges are seeing an increase in enrollments. I think it is partially because the jobs that may be available require college degrees. Most young people are turning to their local colleges for this reason. For a young person with little to no working experience it is difficult for them to obtain Employment in a workforce that has little to no jobs available. Reason 2: Kids are in debt Evidence 1: Kids get out of college with debt from loans, they can’t find work and move home and can’t pay loan payments on their own. Evidence 2: They have low paying jobs and can’t afford their bills. With no job yet and a college degree in hand young people are forced to face the cold realities of a country in economic turmoil. Nevertheless, loan payments are still due each and every month so it makes sense to live at

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