Blue Buffalo Brand Audit

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Blue Buffalo Brand Audit Proposal IMC 613: Brand Equity Management Pamela Jordan October 21, 2013 Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary…………………………………….....Page 3 a. Industry Overview 2. Brand Overview…………………………………………….Page 5 b. The Blue Buffalo Company c. Brand Portfolio 3. Brand Inventory…………………………………………….Page 7 d. Brand Elements e. Product Offerings f. Pricing & Distribution Strategy g. Marketing Programs 4. Brand Exploratory………………………………………….Page 12 h. Competitive Landscape i. Consumer Knowledge j. Survey Insights 5. Strategic Recommendations……………………………...Page 18 k. Brand Positioning l. Market Opportunity m. Long Term Value 6. Summary…………………………………………………….Page 21 7. References………………………………………………….Page 22 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Do you have a four-legged family member in your house? Long gone are the days where a dog was just a dog, and a cat was just a mouse hunter. Pets are not just part of the family, they’re essentially furry, four-legged humans. These days “pet parents” don’t just post about their pets on Facebook; their dogs and cats actually have their own Facebook pages and Twitter accounts. (McLaughlin, 2013) As a result, pet food nutrition is changing with many owners choosing to feed these family members as they choose to eat: all-natural and organic. Industry Overview According to the 2013-2014 APPA National Pet Owners Survey, 68% of U.S. households own a pet, which equates to 82.5 millions homes in America. Number of U.S. Households that Own a Pet (millions) Bird | 6.9 | Cat | 45.3 | Dog | 56.7 | Horse | 2.8 | Fish | 16.1 | Reptile | 5.6 | Small Animal | 6.9 | Source: 2013-2014 APPA National Pet Owners Survey Many pets are considered family members and fed as such leading to a multi-billion

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