Bipolar: Suicide And Anxiety Disor

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Bipolar Teresa Martini Rasmussen College Author Note This research paper is being submitted on September 16, 2011, for Ann Henson’s G124 English Composition Course. People who have been diagnosed with bipolar often have to virtually live in silence about their illness. They are afraid to talk to other people about their mental illness because they may be avoided or even worse become the subject of discrimination. Bipolar is a treatable and manageable mental illness but due to the stigma attached to it by society and those who do not understand it, the psychological well being and life satisfaction of those diagnosed with it are jeopardized. Bipolar can be treated and managed in effective ways. One way is through good system management…show more content…
Around 10-15% of patients with Bipolar I Disorder commit suicide, with the risks being highest during episodes of depression or mixed mania (the state of simultaneous depression and mania) (Suicide Rate, 2007). Some studies believe the risk for suicide in Bipolar II Disorder patients is even higher than those who are suffering with Bipolar I Disorder or major depressive disorder. Patients who also suffer from an anxiety disorder also are at greater risk for suicide. Fast cycling, a more complex bipolar disorder variation does not appear to enhance the suicide risk in patients with bipolar disorder symptoms. Lots of pre- and early adolescent children with bipolar disorder are more severely ill than adults with the disease. Around 25% of children with bipolar disorder are seriously suicidal and have a much higher risk for mixed mania, multiple and continuous cycles, and a long duration of illness without a gap in between (Suicide Rate, 2007). According to the National Mental Association statistics 30 to 70% of suicide victims have suffered from some kind of depression. Interestingly, men commit almost 75% of these suicides, even though twice as many women attempt it (Statistics,…show more content…
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