Bill Nye Says Nay Summary

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Task A In the article “Bill Nye Says Nay: ‘Science Guy’ Opposes Teaching of Creationism” the author is making an argument against the teaching of creationism in addition to evolution in public school science classes. The author identifies himself as a former public school student who has respect for other’s religious belief, but feels that they have no place in government funded schools. The author of this article, Noah Fitzgerel, is an intern for the group Americans United, an organization who is dedicated to the separation of church and state. The author refers to the teaching of creationism as “proselytizing young people” because it is based on “biblical literism” which he views as evangelism. He believes that teaching creationism is…show more content…
Americans United. Retrieved from Task A Article Bill Nye Says Nay: ‘Science Guy’ Opposes Teaching of Creationism By Noah Fitzgerel Too often, Americans assume that those who advocate for church-state separation, such as Americans United, oppose creationism as a theological concept. This is not the case. This is America, and people have the right to believe what they want. But no one has the right to use a government-run, taxpayer-supported institution, such as the public school system, as a vehicle for evangelism. Put simply, the public schools are no place for proselytizing young people. Creationism – a fundamentalist doctrine based on biblical literalism that has no serious support in the scientific community – doesn't belong in biology classes. As a public school student myself, I understand the importance of this distinction. I respect the beliefs of my peers, teachers and administrators. I would, however, vigorously oppose any attempt on their part to bring religion into the classroom. Teaching creationism does just that, and that’s why we fight
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