Big Changes for a Small Hospital

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Big Changes for a Small Hospital Charla Green BUS 660: Contemporary Issues in Organizational Leadership Instructor Key Smith January 13, 2014 Big Changes for a Small Hospital Many organizations attempt to develop a positive future through leadership in relation to building an organization. The medical industry provides many obstacles for leadership. Some of those obstacles include: facility maintenance, future patients, and the satisfaction of employees. This paper will discuss the questions asked in the Big Change for a Small Hospital case study in regards to situational leadership. There are three factors that need to be considered by Nicholas Jacobs at Windber Medical facility: what is the level of follower readiness, what task needs to be completed, and which leadership style will best for his personal style. Jacobs took over the role of president of the Windber Medical facility and realized that there were many issues that were causing the facility to decline. The employees were being paid less than other comparable jobs in the area, the infrastructure and facilities were not sufficient to meet current needs, and the financial resources were declining. According to Hughes, Ginnett, & Curphy (2012) the follower readiness in this case is likely to be moderate and at an S3 level (2012, p. 550). Jacobs began implementing developmental interventions and he transitioned to a delegating style in the effort to increase follower development on specific tasks. In the changing times, the employee interest was not in sync with the new direction that Jacobs’ wanted to take the medical facility. The Situational Leadership Model recommends that the leader must make decisions to use developmental intervention like telling, participating, selling and delegation (Hughes, Ginnett & Curphy, 2012). Jacobs realized he had
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