| |policy and procedure in relation to the CPA |Lack of motivation might deter personal| | | | |processes. |progress in relation to CPA processes. | |5 Quality and evidence based |My personal Approach and behaviour towards service|Additional training is needed on how to use The I.T |Speaking to my mentor on how the system works |Cooperation from fellow colleagues at | |practice |users and other healthcare professionals has |system used within the NHS “Care Base” where all the|and utilize every opportunity to practically use|placement on how to use the system will| | |improved greatly since the start of the course, I |information about patients care needs and CPA are |it, also attending any further training |influence greatly my personal
Having the staff follow the rules and regulations and reduce such unwanted issues that may cause the facilities spending over his or her means of funds. In the proposal, it should be design and created in where it benefit the business as a whole and find a reducing in the cost. The organizational values should create the way that the business function and have a positive impact on employees and patients to establish the health care to increase the rating of the management skills. I believe that should happen in every business where the planning process is the first step to take along with the goals properly followed. In the health care being multifunctional is necessary in order to become successful in any origination.
These resources could be conference lines, conference rooms, people or equipment. Organizing resources could mean the difference between having enough staff to take more patients or having to defer patients to another facility. Managers also lead their staff in the direction of the organization mission, providing guidance to their direct reports, as well as valuable input to their peers with regard to their respective expertise. Managers control to ensure that resources that will best fit the need are placed appropriately and continue to operate correctly and efficiently. “On a daily basis, health care managers must recognize performance problems, and opportunities, make good decisions, and take appropriate action” (Lombardi & Schermerhorn, 2007. p. 16).
They also further states that teamwork is imperative in providing safe care for the patients. This is supported by Pike (1991) by stating that well-bonded teams augment quality patient care. Mayor (2002) claimed that lack of teamwork in clinical setting is increasing the number of patients who die. The aim of this essay is to examine the issue on poor teamwork in the clinical setting and to come up with some strategies that could reduce this incidence. In order to achieve this, SWOT analysis tool will be used to analyze this issue.
These areas are patient satisfaction, pressure ulcers, patient falls, job satisfaction of nurses, hospital acquired infections, time of nursing care allotted for each patient, and staffing ratio/mix. By identifying any deficits in such areas of patient care hospitals and its staff can be proactive in making any necessary changes to improve both patient outcomes and staff satisfaction ("What are Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators Anyway?," 2011). In the scenario with Mr. J there were numerous nursing-sensitive indicators that were red flags. By being aware of such “red flags” corrective action could have been taken to provide better quality of care to the patient. The nursing-sensitive indicators can be categorized in the following ways: 1) Patient falls: Mr. J was a fall risk due to his mild dementia, age and recent history of a fall at home.
Importance of communication: Communication is really important in health and social care because it changes the way people act and shows you the differences in people. Communication can help open up better relationships with the client; it can also help to understand how the client is feeling and their emotions. Communication can make the work place a better place to be and make the employees comfortable. Communicating with other colleagues and passing on important information such as if you were a doctor and you needed to refer a patient to a surgeon you would have to talk to someone higher than you to sort out your patients’ operation. When communicating you need to show you are interested in what the person is talking about, for example is a councilor was having a therapy session with a client you would feel as if the councilor wasn’t interested in what you were saying if they were spinning around on their chair.
The Impact of the Teach Back Method on Improving Patient Health Literacy Jamie Quirk Cleveland State University Abstract This paper will address the nursing problem of the impact of low health literacy on the quality and cost of healthcare. The purpose is to review studies in an attempt to determine whether or not the teach back method is an effective strategy to improve patient comprehension and to overcome barriers to health literacy. From the studies reviewed, the reader will find that the teach back method is an important and effective method to improve patient comprehension and is most effective when used regularly by all members of the health care team. This author's recommendation for best practice is to work to incorporate improving health literacy in her daily practice by using the teach back method with all patients and their families. It is a very effective tool to assess understanding.
The Chief Operation Officer needs to collaborate with other departments (e.g., Chief Medical Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operations Officer, etc.) to direct compliance issues thru existing channels for investigation and resolution to make sure that the services provided are meeting the needs of the patients. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital goal is to make the patients experience as pleasant as possible, so improvements must constantly be made to keep up with the needs of the patients. If a patient’s needs are not being met because the hospital does not have the required equipment an action plan would have to be made to make sure the hospital is meeting their standards set by their mission statement. To purchase the required equipment an action plan would be set and different departments would have to collaborate to make it happen as quick and painless as possible.
In addition, WMHS quality policy has improved patient safety through the implementation of a computerized positive identification system, which reduces errors involving the drawing of blood. To improve the quality of care, the staff members work together as a team. The staff is also informed of any new programs and changes in health care. However, the policy is missing some key issues regarding quality. These issues include the overuse, underuse, and misuse of health services as well as tending to patients in a timely manner.
Communicating with different people in the setting is also a great importance to when in a health or social care setting because you need to work as a team as well as speaking to the patients to make them feel comfortable and welcoming. This will also show that the patients can rely on you and discuss any problems that they may have or face. When communicating with a wide range of people you get an idea on how different people are you will also know how to deal with that certain person. Effective teamwork shows that you can work in a environment with a whole range of different people and communicate with them in order to give the best care and treatment to those who need it.When having a conversation with a service user it is important that while or after they are speaking you make sure to reassure what the other person has said, to do this is you should use hand gestures, when your thinking or struggling to communicate you