External Forces Affecting the Nursing and Health Care Organizations

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Health Service Organizations and Management

The phenomenon of organizational culture and leadership has continued to be a predominant topic in healthcare and in businesses. Leadership and organizational culture is the driving force behind the success or failure of an organization. This paper will examine leadership in a health care facility. The paper will then present the relationship between leadership and structure, and culture of this organization.

Nursing literature has not fully covered the constructs of leadership and organizational culture as compared to other field like in business. The available materials major on the role of leadership especially of the chief nurse executive with little attention to nurse mangers and nursing leadership. Every effective organization has leaders who demonstrate transformational behaviors of leadership. The nursing managers have the role of creating and implementing a vision to be accomplished by the staff members. They are in charge of empowering the staff members with a vision which will bring positive changes to the health care organization through inside side and outside interaction.

Role of leadership in an organization
Health care organization leaders demonstrate appropriate styles and behaviors that best suits the complex and constantly changing system of health care. Such changes include change of technology into more sophisticated ones, nursing shortage, time and cost constrained work environment, challenge of achieving the desired patient outcomes and increased patients patient acuity (Mathena, 2002, p 136-142.).

The role of leaders is to impalement strategies related to achieving the goal of the health care system even with the limited resources. The roles of leaders in a health care organization motivate staff members to go beyond self interest for the general

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