Bermuda Triangle Essay

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The Bermuda Triangle Mystery The Bermuda Triangle is a strange and mysterious region in the South West Atlantic, where people, ships, boats, and air craft flying over it have presumably been sucked into its stormy waters and/or disappeared. The apexes of this triangle have been widely disputed but generally thought to be Bermuda, Miami, Florida, and San Juan, Puerto Rico; this area covers about 500000 miles. One may ask how could a ship possibly disappear, but somehow many ships have. In 1918, a navy ship called the U.S.S Cyclops went missing along with 309 crew members. No one knows for sure what happened, but people have speculated that the captain was rather eccentric, and that the crew had a disagreements, which later, was settled before the ship vanished. These rumors could suggest something other than a mysterious force was the cause of the disappearance, but then again, you have those “researchers” that speculate that a giant octopus rose from the sea and drug the ship to the bottom, or the ship suddenly got sucked into a storm. Some people have made bizarre and unrealistic explanations as to how the ships have disappeared. People go as far as thinking UFOs have abducted people and that left over technology from the lost continent of Atlantis is to blame, but let's get real, there are far more realistic explanations for these disappearances. For example, compass problems are noted in many incidents. Scientists have concluded that the cause of this may be caused by unusual magnetic anomalies that may exist in the area which could lead to people going the wrong way. Another very likely possibility is that, since the Bermuda Triangle is located in a tropical area, powerful storms may occur out of no where and could capsize a boat or ship and even send a plan crashing into the waters. However, human error is one of the most cited explanations, for example, a

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