Rogue Waves Research Paper

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Demetrius Cameron Gordwin 07/25/2008 Rogue Waves Since the first ship set sail on the deep blue sea there has been many stories and myths. Stories of pirates and their treasures and monsters that live in the deepest parts of the ocean. There were even tales of waves that were so high that they could swallow a ship and destroy it in a matter of minutes. They called them freak waves or massive waves. But like all old stories and myths, for centuries the idea of such a thing was only a folklore. But could you imagine such a thing. A wave so big that it can get as high as 35m or 113ft in a matter of minutes. That is what I am here to talk to you about. My paper is about the phenomenon we call Rogue Waves. In this paper I will…show more content…
( Later on in the 1900 hundreds, there were several more reports of ships being hit by what was said to be a freak wave or rogue wave. One of the most famous ships to get hit by a rogue wave was the Queen Mary. In 1942 while carrying 15,000 American troops 608 nautical miles (700 mi/1,126 km) from Scotland during a gale, RMS Queen Mary was broadsided by a 92-foot (28 m) wave and nearly capsized. Queen Mary listed briefly about 52 degrees before the ship slowly righted herself.(live One of the most memorable rogue wave occurrences was on October 30, 1991. It was called the perfect storm. According to, an enormous extra tropical low is creating havoc along the entire Eastern Atlantic Seaboard in this infrared image at 1200 UTC (0700 EST) on October 30, 1991. Labeled the "perfect storm" by the National Weather Service, the storm sank the sword fishing boat Andrea Gail, whose story became the basis for the currently best-selling novel "The Perfect Storm" by Sebastian Junger. Ocean waves peaked at 100 feet, the height of 10-story buildings. Waves 30 feet high battered the New England coast, destroying 200 homes. Nine people died, including the six-man crew of a swordfish boat from Gloucester, Massachusetts. ( Not only was a book wrote about this event, they later made a movie about too. But in spite of such amazing events in history caused by…show more content…
It is said that waves usually loose energy and decrease in amplitude as they interact with other waves as they move away from the region in which they were generated. In some cases however waves interact with currents in a way that dramatically increases the amplitude of some isolated waves, forming huge towering wave crests capable of capsizing even the largest of ships.(Mother Natures Watch) But in all honesty, there is not enough information on rogue waves for scientist to give an exact explanation on how rogue waves form. Which leaves us with this question, if no one can give a solid answer on how rogue waves form, how will we know how to predict when they are
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