Briona Salata June 07, 2013 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Lowering the legal drinking age in the United States. There are many different factors in favor of and against lowering the legal drinking age in the United States. There are many different reasons, facts and opinions for and against the subject of whether or not the legal drinking age in the United States should be lowered. This is a controversy in which many people have different views. One reason that for why the legal drinking age should be lowered is that the legal age to become responsible as an adult is at eighteen.
There has been an ongoing controversy in the United States on whether the drinking age should be lowered to 18 like most of the world or if it should stay at 21 for years. There are many logical reasons why the drinking age in the United States should be lowered to 18 years old. A few reasons are, there is a possibility it could reduce the number of drunk drivers, at 18 you’re considered a legal adult, and young adults are proven to drink regardless of the law. It is a proven pact young adults will drink regardless of the law. It is much safer for the United States to lower the drinking age so young adults don’t have to be discrete about drinking, and can drink in supervised areas such as restaurants, and local bars.
Patrick Burns Dr. Michealian College Writing 7 December 2012 Fight at 18, Drink at 18 There has been an ongoing controversy in the United States on whether the drinking age should be lowered to 18 like most of the world or if it should stay at 21. Underage drinking has been a disputed issue for years, which begs the question: why is it not under control? Teenagers continue to buy alcohol with fake IDs, drink illegally, and get into bars. It has been proven that these underage incidents are happening on not only on college campuses but in high school settings as well. Clearly there are many reasons why drinking age should be lowered to 18, the most obvious being that too many people are drinking before they are 21.
Instead of trying to prevent every American under the age 21 from consuming any alcohol, there needs to be more government programs to educate younger people on the problems that alcohol can have, if inappropriately consumed. If the drinking age is lowered and mandatory classes on alcohol consumption are made, Americans would start making smarter decisions about alcohol in general. On the other hand, a lot of people say that if the drinking age were lowered to 18 people would abuse it. Americans aren't used to the idea of drinking casually. Drinking in the US has become an abusive activity that some people cannot control.
It's a pretty common discussion among just about everybody, mostly teenagers. Although most teenagers are going to be against the idea because they haven’t drove yet and are anxious, most adults would like to see different actions taken on young drivers. Should the legal driving age be raised to 18? The main reason most people think the age should be raised is that it would reduce automobile accidents and fatalities. Accidents are caused by multi-tasking, Teens are easily distracted while driving by cell phones, the radio or even something simple as a friend talking to you.
Underage Drinking is Harmful Alcohol is a substance that is very dangerous and if used incorrectly or immaturely, the consequences can harm the users and the ones around them extremely. People have been debating the drinking age for years now, whether it should be lowered to 18 or kept at 21. In 1970, 29 states lowered their drinking age, and things were catastrophic; needless to say, they all raised the drinking age by 1976. Alcohol is a drug; in fact, it is the most widely used drug in the world. People abuse alcohol all the time, especially teens.
It is obvious why college presidents want the drinking age to be lowered because it is one less thing they have to worry about. With most college freshman being 18, presidents will not have to take all the precautions to stop underage drinking and have to deal with the consequences they must acquire when a student is caught drinking. Although, many feel that lowering the drinking age to 18 would cause more problems some feel that it would cause less. During a 60 Minutes interview with reporter, Lesley Stahl, former President of Middlebury College, John McArdle made his point very clear. McArdle, a supporter of lowering the drinking age to 18 stated that the 21 Coalition law is
There has been much talk about changing the legal drinking age to 18 instead of 21. some people believe that the age should never of changed from 18 to 21. The drinking age is regulated by the states not the nation and yet all of the nation has a drinking age of 21 and not 18. The drinking age should stay the same and not changed. Legal drinking age should be 21 because at 18 people do not have the maturity to handle alcohol, the health issues with drinking at 18 are greater, and the chances of becoming a alcoholic is greater when a person starts drinking younger. The first reason that the drinking age should be 21 is that at 18 a greater amount of people do not have the maturity to handle and consume alcohol.
It would allow students in college to go out and enjoy themselves without being stressed out about breaking the law, as well as possibly lower the number of alcohol related injuries and incidents. Also, a lower drinking age would promote a higher sense of responsibility in young adults. I feel that lowering the drinking age to eighteen is something that should be considered to better the lives and futures of people
The first point people have against lowering the drinking age make is that most 18-year olds are mature enough. They believe that young adults do not know when to stop and that they will just drink until they have alcohol poisoning. The second point opposes make is that lowering the drinking age will create alcoholics. They believe that even at 18-years old people are susceptible to gaining a dependence on something like alcohol. If the drinking age is 21 then by that time they will have a strong mind to not be dependent.