Benefits of Hobbies

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Thesis Statement: Hobbies provide a number of important benefits in reducing stress because they give us a break from responsibilities and give us time to do something we enjoy, they provide an outlet for stress and hobbies allow us to improve our mental health and well being. Introduction: We all have stress in our lives; work can be stressful, raising a family and marital relationships cause stress, even dealing with everyday household chores and hassles cause stress. Hobbies promote eustress, a positive type of stress, the kind of stress that makes you feel excited about the hobby and life. (Mills, Reiss, Dombeck, 2008) Hobbies give us breaks from responsibilities and give us time to do something we enjoy. The brain's septal zone, known as the 'feel-good' area is stimulated when doing something enjoyable, such as a hobby. (Zimmerman, 2007) Some hobbies serve as 'breathers' from stress which can produce positive emotions and lowering stress. (Pressman, 2009) Hobbies provide an outlet for stress. Hobbies used to achieve a desired state of mind (Dickie, 2011) Concentration on a hobby limits time to worry about life problems (Dickie, 2011) Hobbies allow us to improve our mental health and well being. Hobbies increase feelings of empowerment through leisure activities (Iwasaki, 2003) Doing something you enjoy helps you to think creatively gives you confidence (Zimmerman, 2007) Conclusion: The benefits of making time for enjoyable activities enhances positive emotions, creativity and reduces stress. Do your body and mind good and relax with something you love to do. References Dickie, Virginia A. "Experiencing Therapy Through Doing: Making Quilts." OTJR: Occupation, Participation, Health 31.4 (2011): 209-15. ABI/INFORM. Web. 20 Mar. 2015. Iwasaki, Yoshi, and Ingrid E. Schneider. "Leisure, Stress, And Coping: An Evolving Area Of Inquiry."
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