Belonging Questions

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BELONGING HSC QUESTIONS PAST HSC Section III General comments Candidates’ approaches to the question varied, with many considering the statement as an opportunity to discuss the impact of the positive and or negative impacts of relationships on belonging, while others chose to explore an individual’s interaction with the natural world as having a significant impact on belonging. In stronger responses, candidates engaged in a perceptive manner with the view expressed in the statement, establishing an insightful thesis, which was sustained throughout the response through a discerning selection of textual detail and an astute analysis of both the prescribed text and the text of their own choosing. The skilful integration of the analysis of…show more content…
How has your study of belonging changed you? DIFFICULTY/DUALITY OF BELONGING/NOT BELONGING 1. “Despite an individual’s desire to belong to a group or community, this not always possible.” How do the texts you have studies represent the processes and results of belonging and/or not belonging? 2. Belonging to a group or community can provide opportunities and disappointments. To what extent do the texts you have studies support this idea? 3. Belonging is a struggle. 4. Belonging can be self-fulfilling and self-destructive. Explain the relevance of this statement with close reference to the texts you have studied. 5. In our quest to belong we will experience both opportunities and disappointments. 6. ‘Belonging creates dilemmas”. Discuss this statement in relation to your study. 7. “Not belonging is a far more difficult road to travel than that of belonging”. How does your prescribed texts and TWO other texts of your own choosing explore ideas of belonging and not belonging? 8. People experience a sense of belonging in varied and complex ways. How is this explored in the texts you have studied? (CSSA 2009 Trial) 9. Belonging and not belonging is determine by the relationships a character has with others and the world. (Hills Grammar 2010…show more content…
“Belonging is dependant on the perspective of the individual”. Discuss this statement with particular focus on how the composers of texts represent perceptions of belonging. 4. Attitudes towards belonging change over time. How have the texts you have studied explored shifting attitudes towards belonging? (ETA 2009 Trial) Other 1. More than anything else, belonging is about finding a sense of place in the world’ Do you agree? Argue your point of view, referring to the texts you have studied 2. Belonging is dynamic, process driven and complex. Using the concepts of journeys and change, create an argument which synthesises the three concepts mentioned above. 3. Family traditions counter alienation and confusion. They help define who we are; they provide something steady, reliable and safe in a confusing world. 4. An individual’s sense of belong is determined by external forces. To what extent do you agree with the statement? (CTHS 2010 Trial) 5. ‘A sense of belonging requires an understanding of one’s past.’ To what extend is this notion of belonging explored in your prescribed text and two related texts? (BGHS 2010 Trial) 6. “Acceptance is the start of belonging.” Evaluate this statement in relation to the representation of belonging in the texts you have studied. (2009 Cheltenham Girls HS
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