Physical journeys are journeys in search of identity. Do you agree or disagree?

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Physical journeys are journeys in search of identity. Do you agree or disagree? Journeys are an aspect that is imperative for progression in life, whether it be a journey from one country to another or from one’s house to the town centre. No matter what, billions of people around the world are travelling on a particular type of physical journey. But what sets these journeys apart are their purposes. The purpose for a journey to be undertaken can vary greatly from religious enlightenment and colonising to seeking knowledge and psychological growth. On all types of journeys, the traveler is in search of identity. Sometimes, the “search” is not intentional, but results from reaching the goal. This search can involve the traveler understanding both positive and negative facets about themselves, including articles, perspectives and traits. The identity, which they are searching for, is what makes the traveler unique and identifies them from others. The identity can help distinguish and appreciate a person or their own belief, culture and origin, as well as giving insights into who they are and the core values that are key constituents for their lives. In texts of a variety of genre, there is an indication of a physical journey, whether it be physically moving in a fantasy world or travelling in the “real” world. The character may sometimes not indicate any revelations in a change of identity, but the reader would be exposed to this new identity through changes in tone and attitude. However, there can be slight variations in the reception and expression of the new identity, as well as how the search of identity is conveyed to the reader. An example of texts that explore the journey of self identity and its variations include “Feliks Skrzynecki”, “Leaving Homes” and “Crossing the Red Sea” by
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