Behavior Change Essay

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Behavior Change Project Goal: The target problem behavior this behavior change project was to increase my behavioral deficit of daily exercise. My ultimate goal was to engage in at least 45 minutes of continuous physical activity each day for at least 5 days a week. The baseline data collected from my daily self-monitoring of the target behavior over a two week period, found that I was exercising an average of about 30 to 45 minutes a day, 1 to 3 days per week. I would either exercise in the morning, after I wake-up, or in the evenings, after I return home. My goal for changing this target behavior did not specifically relate to increasing the intensity of my exercise, as I did not have a way to measure this variable (e.g. heart rate), and consequently would not be able to determine if my interventions were effective or not. In addition, my goal was not to necessarily to obtain self-control over my behavioral deficit of exercise but to reliably increase the behavior by any means necessary for this project. Behavioral Analysis: The environmental triggers for my engaging in exercise include other people working out with me, my dog whining to go outside or running around the house with noticeable amounts of energy, when I first wake up at my regular time in the morning and I don’t have to go to work or school for a few hours; as the probability of my exercising increases during these times. Another antecedent that I noted through this process was that the emotion of guilt, which was elicited by my not working out the day before, would increase the likelihood that I would exercise the next day. The change interventions I used of having a note on my mirror to remind myself to workout, as well as, listing exercise on my daily “to do” list were visual cues used to increase the likelihood of my engaging in exercise. One environmental trigger, which I noticed

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