Beat Things in Life Do No Cost Money

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Life is said to be a boulevard of withering on one and flourishing trees on the other side. Well you can add some potholes and bumps to that if you’d want. A normal guy would obviously want to remove those arid parts of the road ain’t it?? And look at only the greenery of sorts like an optimist would. Majority of this greenery, for the most part, is synonymous with another kind of a green that is Money. Well most people say that the best things in life do not cost money. Like Love, trust, hope, faith and myriad other things. But everything in this world costs something, nothing is free. As Chase Holfelder in his famous song Says Money is not a thing, profoundly it is a need. You cannot love someone so much they won’t need food or you cannot trust someone to pay all your bills and nor can you have faith on someone or something to Insure your family’s integrity after you’re gone. Everything that needs Green: - Money. Although you can prioritize money to be the second thing in your life it apparently controls your primary one, then may the primary be anything or anyone. So what do you call the best thing in life? It would depend on upon an individual opinion which is indefinitely variable, both with time and subject. I would say money is as important in life as everything else is. For some people living poorly with their loved ones is not a thorn as long as they are together. But for me, actually “living” would be a jibe if I had to do so without money to suffice for my loved ones. I would say that the best things in life might not cost money but the best would be even better if it’s there wouldn’t it? Finally, it is as they say “There are some things that money can’t buy”, absolutely true, a statement in jeopardy in today’s world if you ask me, but still for the major part it

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