Euthanasia John Hardwig Analysis

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I never really thought much of euthanasia before this assignment. I mean I thought about it while watching Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice, but not in a serious life-relevant matter. Off the back, I can tell you that I do support anyone who wants to end their life because they are suffering, depending on the situation. I do not mean to sound heartless, but if someone is going through a great deal of pain day in and day out, and have been for the past year(s), and has no hope in progressing, then by all means, they should be allowed to end their life if that is truly what they want. Now if one is going through mild suffering that can eventually be cured, they should not end their life, even if they so desire to. That person does not have a “duty to die” (Hardwig 178). I agree with most of the perspectives of euthanasia from philosophers in this chapter, except John Hardwig. He does have some valid points, but some not so valid. I would like to point out one of his first statements, “the sacrifice of life is always greater than the burden of caring” (178). I will touch on this more in a later paragraph, but I disagree with his statement. Caring for a loved one is not always a burden to that person giving the caring. Ending a person’s life can leave much more of a burden on people than having to…show more content…
It broke my heart when I read the end of it and Robert killed Tracy. I deeply believe that what he did was morally wrong. Were his wife and children aware that he was going to do that? Why would he do that without consulting with anyone? I think that he should have consulted with his wife, kids, and Tracy’s doctor first. I find nothing okay with what he did, it was horrible and I completely disagree! Sure his daughter was in agonizing pain, but there were much better ways to end her life. What he did was not okay, and I just hope that he regrets everything he did and that he wishes he had talked to someone before doing

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